Counseling, Psychotherapy, Hypnosis, Life Coaching from a Holistic Point of View

Providing caring counseling, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and life coaching for adult individuals who are seeking relief from stress, depression, anxiety, grief/loss, trauma, addictive/compulsive behavior, codependency, or readjustment issues.

Forms and Office Policies

FORMS: Please print and fill out all the forms listed below. Bring all of them to your first appointment.

INSURANCE: If you wish to use your insurance you must fill out the Insurance Information section at the bottom of the New Patient Data and Insurance Form listed below. You may need to contact your insurance company for some of this information. Bring this form with you to your first appointment.

New Patient Data and Insurance Form

Adult Questionnaire

Privacy Notice

Provider - Patient Treatment Agreement

Authorization Form

Beck Anxiety Inventory

Beck Depression Inventory

Consent for Release of Information

Missed Appointment Policy Form



Hours of Operation

At the present time I have a few daytime appointments available at both of my Raleigh locations.

Privacy Notice

Please review our practice's privacy notice by clicking this link.

Acrobat Reader

Our site uses Acrobat forms.

Click here to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.